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Веб-камера Global T-49

Global T-49 фото
— производитель: Global (Глобал)
— модель: T-49
— веб-камера с матрицей 1.3 МП
— разрешение видео 1280x960
— подключение через USB 2.0
— встроенный микрофон
— совместима с Windows
— артикул WC0-27903

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Описание и обзор Global T-49

Сегодня у нас на обзоре веб-камера Глобал с матрицей 1.3 МП, полное название Global T-49. Камера у меня уже 8 месяцев, хочу поделиться с вами моими впечатлениями. Неплохая камера за свои деньги, конечно есть решения в линейке Global получше, но что есть, то есть. Менять пока не планирую, устраивает на 99%. Разрешение отснятого видео 1280x960 пикселей, подключается к порту USB 2.0. Смотрите полный видеообзор ниже.

#TSCers Day 49 and can't be more excited than to start crushing the final leg (weeks 8, 9, 10) of the program! Dropped a quarter inch in waist and brought my 3 mile run time down this week! Looking to get better everyday! Here's the link to my foam roller: , select the 6x36 Round Foam Roller. You can also get my Green Strap right here: goo.gl/euy3m8 I use mine everyday to stretch my hamstrings. It's the best thing for your back, glutes, and hammies. And it only about 12 bucks.
If you haven't heard, get the new TSC Fitness Calc App! It's free in the Apple and Android App Stores. If you still want to do the challenge subscribe to the channel, like this video and email me at [email protected] with A-E completed. The TSC Heart of a Champion 7.0 Training and Nutrition Program is finished and ready to download. The program and the challenge are both totally free. I will be doing the challenge right along with you from Thanksgiving Day, Nov 27th thru Valentines Day, Feb 14th. I'll be posting daily youtube videos and responding directly to tweets (Tweet me @ChrisKruegerTSC with #TSCers and I will follow you). If you're serious about transforming your body crush the challenge with me.
The Heart of a Champion 7.0 Training and Nutrition Program is optimized to be as efficient as possible. The workouts take less than 40 minutes a day on average, and use the fundamental principles that have worked for #TSCers all over the globe. The Nutrition section of the program is easy to follow and ensures that you will make a great transformation. The program works every time and for every body,even yours! I promise it will work for you. Anyone can start the program, but only CHAMPIONS FINISH. Crush the program and make it happen.
Let's get started, please reply with A-E completed and I will send your download information in less than 24 hours.
A. Before Photo: Take a high-quality bathing suit before photo, head to toe with your smiling face and good lighting. Please attach as a .jpeg file. You're before photos are completely confidential during the challenge and we will never use them for anything unless you choose to submit an After photoand testimonial. People that submit an honest before photos have far greater success and that's why I'm asking you to submit one for the #TSCers Global Challenge.
B. Height, Weight, and Waist Size: We need to set goals, but before we can do that we need to know where we are starting.
C: Goal Weight and Waist Size: There's more info in the program about setting the right goals, but right now dream big and imagine how great you can look, feel, and be by Valentine's Day 2015. What are your weight and waist goals?
D. More specific tangible and Personal Goals: How do you want to look and feel at the end of the Challenge? What do you want to be able to do?
E: Country, City, Name, Age: There will be #TSCers all over the world crushing the global challenge with you and it's really nice to know where everyone lives.
Please reply as fast you can so I can send your download information. I'm also including The Next Step Training Program with your download. The Next Step is the logical next step in your training progression once you finish the Heart of a Champion. By taking the challenge you are getting 20 weeks of the best training and nutrition programming in the world, for FREE. Let's crush it together.
Chris Krueger Tweet me @ChrisKruegerTSC with #TSCers so I can follow you, if you don't have twitter you might want to get it just for this challenge, it's the fastest way to contact me with any questions you have. Also please like my facebook so you can get daily updates, motivation, and inspiration.
Please follow my social media accounts to stay fully updated on the #TSCers Global Challenge.
YouTube: ...
Twitter: Unreported World Shorts run alongside the main series to provide compelling and informative stats and facts that enrich understanding of the main programme issues.
UK Premiere of the full Unreported World: Friday | 7:30pm | Channel 4
See more Unreported World Shorts on Channel 4:
More information about this video:
Once a tropical paradise, the Citarum river on the Indonesian island of Java is now a toxic soup containing dangerously high levels of heavy metals, rubbish and sewage.
With fish stock decimated, local fishermen have been forced to trawl the river for plastic, which they sell for recycling.
Over 10m people live along the river's banks, side by side a textile industry that supplies some of the world's biggest fashion brands.
This video supports 30 minute documentary The World's Dirtiest River, where reporter Seyi Rhodes and director Hugo Ward expose the extraordinary amount of untreated toxic waste from the textile factories, non-degradable plastics, household rubbish, dead animals and fish and human effluent blanketing the Citarum river, which 35 million people rely on for drinking, cooking and washing.

Unreported World playlist:
Website: Meltdown is a four-part investigation into a world of greed and recklessness that brought down the financial world. The show begins with the 2008 crash that pushed 30 million people into unemployment, brought countries to the edge of insolvency and turned the clock back to 1929.
But how did it all go so wrong? Lack of government regulation; easy lending in the US housing market meant anyone could qualify for a home loan with no government regulations in place. Also, London was competing with New York as the banking capital of the world. Gordon Brown, the British finance minister at the time, introduced "light touch regulation" - giving bankers a free hand in the marketplace.
Meltdown moves on to examine the epidemic of fear that caused the world's banks to stop lending and how the people began their fight back. Finally, it asks how the world can prepare for the next crisis even as it recognises that this one is far from over.
We hear about the sheikh who says the crash never happened; a Wall Street king charged with fraud; a congresswoman who wants to jail the bankers; and the world leaders who want a re-think of capitalism.
Professor Wolff's Website: www.rdwolff.com
Professor Wolff's Podcast:
Permission to reprint Professor Wolff's writing and videos is granted on an individual basis. Please contact [email protected] to request permission. We reserve the right to refuse or rescind permission at any time.The Millennium Development Goals set targets for 2015. As the process to define a new set of global development goals gains momentum, creating decent and productive jobs and strengthening social protection stand up as urgent global priorities. Decent work transforms societies for the better, driving development that is more equitable, inclusive and sustainable. Find out more:
Audio-description version available at:
Five reasons Decent Work should be a priority of the post 2015 development agenda

1. Because work touches everyone
No country is immune to a lack of decent work.
670 million jobs have to be created by 2030

2. Because decent work drives development
ILO research shows that developing countries that invested in quality jobs grew faster

3. Because decent work is what people want
A Gallup World poll ranked access to good jobs as the #1 priority
4. Because decent work transforms societies for the better
Decent work is a foundation for equitable, inclusive and sustainable development
5. Because the quality of jobs, not just the quantity, is at stake.
Everyone is entitled to decent work
Have your say!

Vote at www.myworld2015.org
Всего просмотров: 3284
Ключевые слова: Global T-49, веб-камера с матрицей 1.3 МП, отзывы, реальная веб камера, настройка камеры, инструкция, цена, обзор, купить, USB 2.0
Оценка Global T-49 на TestCamera.ru: 3 из 5 на основании 42 голосов.

Что спрашивают чаще всего после покупки

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  • Достаточно ли разрешения 1280x960 для общения в skype?
  • Как подключить веб-камеру к компьютеру? Её не видно в диспетчере устройств. Подключаю к USB 2.0, но камера не работает. Что делать?
  • Всё заработало, но изображение не сфокусировано, где крутить фокусировку?
  • Нету видео и звука в skype, у меня T-49, мучаюсь второй день. Помогите!
  • Куплю webcam Global T-49 новую или бу, можно без коробки, главное рабочую!
  • Есть ли втроенный микрофон в Глобал T-49?
  • Хочу купить эту камеру и настроить передачу видео в реальном времени. За окном Судак. Брать её или поискать что-то получше?

Видео с веб-камеры Global T-49

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