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Веб-камера Manta Smolly MM352

Manta Smolly MM352 фото
— производитель: Manta (Манта)
— модель: Smolly MM352
— веб-камера с матрицей 0.3 МП
— разрешение видео 640x480
— подключение через USB 2.0
— встроенный микрофон
— ручная фокусировка
— артикул WC0-43097

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Описание и обзор Manta Smolly MM352

Сегодня на тесте веб-камера Манта с матрицей 0.3 МП, полное название Manta Smolly MM352. Камера у меня уже 5 месяцев, хочу поделиться с вами моими впечатлениями. Неплохая камера за свои деньги, конечно есть решения в линейке Manta получше, но что есть, то есть. Менять пока не планирую, устраивает на 99%. Разрешение отснятого видео 640x480 пикселей, подключается к порту USB 2.0. Смотрите полный видеообзор ниже.

Another great Summer of swimming for the Mercerwood Shore Club Manta Rays.
All content shot with Sony Alpha 77 and various lenses. Edited with Final Cut Pro 10.
All photos and videos from the summer swim season can be downloaded for free from Click on MSC and enter the password. If you don't know the password, then email me at [email protected] and I will send it to you.
List of songs in order.
"La Mer"
Charles Trenet
"Tutti Frutti"
Little Richard
"Dancing Queen"

"Dancing the Manta Ray"
The Pixies
Loudon Wainwright III
"Good Riddance (Time of Your Life)"
Green Day
"Eye of the Tiger"
"Manta Ray"
"(Here Comes) Manta Ray"
Fred Kosak & Lou Kosak

MSC Swimmers 2014
Abby Moeller
Adam Tucker
Adelaide Abstoss
Adelaide Waterman
Aidan Sjothun
AJ Rossman
Alex Levin
Alexa Glasser
Alexandra Seidel
Alexandre Rotival
Amelia Quarnstrom
Andrew Jenkins
Angela Osman
Angela Riggins
Ann-Sofie Skog
Anna Jacobs
Anthony O'Donnell
Anthony Pedreira
Archibald Abstoss
Ariana Reibman
Arianna Stamatoyannopoulos
Aston Lee
Ava Tang
Ava Williamson
Axel Olson
Ben Gore
Benjamin Stoops
Bianca Rosini
Blake Seidner
Brendan McGuire
Bronya Sandorffy
Bryanna Denmarsh
Caleb Apodaca
Callan Manson
Campbell Burr
Caroline Ashby
Caroline Atkinson
Caroline Bohm
Carson Coe
Carter Burr
Catherine Fosburgh
Cecilia Sommerfield
Charles Staddon-Smith
Chase Kelly
Christian Isensee
Christine O'Donnell
Christopher Apodaca
Claire Jacobs
Cole Rowe
Colin Van Hamersveld
Daniel Kavesh
Daryl Kwan
Davis Fick
Declan Manson
Derek Osman
Duncan Koontz
Elena Lill
Elena Skirgaudas
Ella Simpson
Ella Skoglund
Ellie Oordt
Elliot Waterman
Elliott Armstrong
Eloise Newman
Eoin Sjothun
Eric Anderson
Ethan Fosburgh
Ethan Schwartz
Ewan Morrow
Finn Friedland
Flora Cruzen
Ford Witman
Gabrielle O'Donnell
Gabrielle Staddon-Smith
Gavan Hanspal
Genvieve Lee
George Stamatoyannopoulos
Gus Trombold
Hadley Frossard
Hanna Lassila
Hannah Leahy
Hannah Moeller
Hans Richter
Heather Robinson
Isabelle Rotival
Jack Larkin
Jack Price
Jack Richter
Jacqueline Isensee
Jaden Allahyari
Jake Glasser
Jake Jenkins
Jake Levin
Jakob Olson
Jefferson Ashby
Jenna Martin
Jessie Bontatibus
Joey Lurie
John Francke
John Shearer
Joseph Sommerfield
Julia Sommerfield
Kaitlyn Apodaca
Kalden Short
Kallie Dimaris
Kate deStwolinski
Kate Gormley
Kathleen McGuire
Kathryn Friedman
Kathryn Ristuben
Kathryn Shearer
Katie Friedman
Katie Mattison
Katie Pedersen
Kayla Levin
Keelan Allahyari
Keoni Ogawa
Kevin Pedersen
Kiera Kelly
Kiera McGuire
Kieran Johnson
Kiki Caputo
Kirbi Phillips
Kristina Skog
Kyle Pedersen
Kyleigh Morrow
Kylie Oordt
Lainie Schwartz
Landon Pickett
Laura Armstrong
Lauren Tagavilla
Leah Petrini
Leonardo Agrella
lindsey seidner
Lola Taraday
Mallory Phillips
Margaret Jenkins
Mari Nielsen
Marielle DeVos
Matthew Lawrence
Matthew Walzer
Matthew Williamson
Max Pelter
Maya Lawrence
Mia Anderson
Mira Tang
Mollie Martinez
Molly Alford
Molly Atkinson
Molly Seneker
Natalia Rosini
Neve Kelley
Niclas Isensee
Nicole Gearhart
Oliver Alford
Olivia Shaw
Pepper Ferrari
Phoebe O'Rourke
Piper Friedland
Piper Newman
Ramzi Megalli
Reed Pickett
Renzin Short
Rhea Hanspal
Roxy Hollyhead
Ryder Davis
Sabrina Kavesh
Sabrina Kwan
Sam Leahy
Sam Petrini
Samantha Moeller
Samantha Pelter
Samo Lassila
Samuel Price
Savannah Cockrill
Shelby Burr
Sophia Pacecca
Sophia Ristuben
Sophie McLeod
Sophie Rotival
Taleah Levin
Taylor Winnie
Teddy Larkin
Teo Tagavilla
Thomas Short
Trent Martin
Ty Parkinson
Vincent Kwan
Whitney Shearer
Will Atkinson
William Ferrari
William Leddy
William Price
Wilson Taraday
Wyatt Acker
Ziva Levin
Zoe Friedland
Zoe Levin
Zoey Byerseste video lo saque del capitulo 62
pero las partes en japones son
porque al doblarlos quitaron esas
partesThis 2007 Manta 42 catamaran for sale is in excellent shape! Custom upgraded interior, upgraded mattresses, added halyard for spinnaker,generator, 6 solar panels on hard top bimini, complete surround sound Bose speakers with radio/CD, 72 sling seat across transom, flat screen TV, wine glass holder, washer/dryer, 12x24 framed vanity mirror in owner stateroom, large hanging lockers and generous staterooms and heads. For more information, contact Brent Hermann at www.catamarans.com.PLEASE NOTE that the performance in the video clip consists of selected extracts of the original Manta dance performance.

This was Session 5 on Day 2 of the conference 'All that is banned is desired' held in Oslo, Norway, in October 2012.

Dance and Choreography: Héla Fattoumi (Tunisia/France)

Read more:
Cathy Vartuli from and Ashley Manta from talk about STDs and how it can appear like a relationship death sentence to some and how releasing shame and normalizing talking about STI status can improve your relationship.
Reid Mihalko's Difficult Conversation Formula that we mentioned in the call is here:
Here's the link to The Herpes Opportunity website:
and these are Adrial's two amazing handouts, one for transmission rates and one as a general overview for those with a recent diagnosis.
Cathy: Welcome everyone. Today we're talking about STDs and STIs. A subject that a lot of people like to avoid. It's scary, it's embarrassing. Most people think it's pretty painful. The truth is the most common STI is the common cold and a lot of us have gotten the from kissing and some people have gotten mono, and there is no shame attached to that. In fact, in a lot of society, I think it was before the 1950's there really wasn't a lot of shame around some of the STDs. Like herpes was kind of made into this horrible thing that you could get, this STD that proved you were unclean, unsafe, whatever it was that they marketed this for.
I'm Cathy Vartuli from and I'm here with Ashley Manta from and we're talking about STDs.
How are you doing?
Ashley:  Yeah, I'm doing well. How are you?
Cathy: Good.
I love how openly you talk about the men and you've done a lot of research into herpes. Would you like to tell us why?
Ashley: Sure. I was diagnosed with genital herpes in October of 2009, actually after being sexually assaulted by a friend in July of 2009. Two months later I started having really unpleasant symptoms, but I wasn't sure what it was because I wasn't very educated on what herpes was or what the symptoms were like. I thought it was like razor burn and I went to my health center on my campus and she said actually it's herpes, and I was horrified at first. I thought that this was a relationship death sentence. I shakily called the guy that I was seeing and I was like, oh my gosh I was just diagnosed with herpes and I think I might have given it to you, and he was wonderful. He was very calm and he said,"baby you are the same person today as you were yesterday and now you just have one other thing about you and it's okay." That was like ...
Cathy: That's beautiful!
Ashley: That was wonderful! It was my first step to really starting to accept the herpes as not something that was not going to ruin my life. It was up and down. I went through rejection after he and I broke up, but eventually you kind of find a balance where you get comfortable with it and it's a process and it's hard but it's really rewarding once you start to love yourself. Even seeing the herpes as an opportunity to grow and to allow yourself to be vulnerable in way that you might not otherwise.
Cathy: I really appreciate you talking to us about it because there is so much shame associated with it. If anyone talks about it, it's a whisper to their doctor. It's not something people in general talk about and I remember the first time I went.
My first boyfriend cheated on me with another guy and I went out, I was like, oh my God what do I do he had unsafe sex and I went to get tested. I could hardly ask my doctor for the test. I was so embarrassed. Now I routinely get tested and I like that. I like that feeling of knowing, I can go to someone, "Yeah, I've been tested and here's the status." That just feels really good, but there is so much shame, most people don't get tested because they're afraid and they don't even know how to ask for stuff.
Ashley: Absolutely! And people are afraid to talk with their partners about it. The problem with, herpes especially, is 9 out of 10 people that have it don't realize that they have because they can be completely asymptomatic. A lot of health centers don't routinely test for herpes. You actually have to ask for it. They usually test for the big four which are chlamydia, Gonorrhea, HIV and Syphilis. Pretty much anyone at any health center that's going to to do a test, is going to test for those four. You have to ask to be tested for herpes and some people; some organizations will only do testing when you have an outbreak, so they can scrape a sample of the sore and send it off to the lab for a serum test. Other's will actually do a blood test called an IgG test but it's expensive, especially if you don't have health insurance.
Всего просмотров: 6547
Ключевые слова: Manta Smolly MM352, веб-камера с матрицей 0.3 МП, отзывы, реальная веб камера, настройка камеры, инструкция, цена, обзор, купить, USB 2.0
Оценка Manta Smolly MM352 на TestCamera.ru: 4 из 5 на основании 55 голосов.

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Видео с веб-камеры Manta Smolly MM352

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    TestCamera.ru Веб-камеры Manta Manta Smolly MM352