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Веб-камера SmartTrack Phantom

SmartTrack Phantom фото
— производитель: SmartTrack (Смарттрек)
— модель: Phantom
— веб-камера с матрицей 0.3 МП
— разрешение видео 640x480
— подключение через USB 2.0
— встроенный микрофон
— совместима с Windows
— артикул WC0-56161

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Описание и обзор SmartTrack Phantom

Сегодня на тесте веб-камера Смарттрек с матрицей 0.3 МП, полное название SmartTrack Phantom. Камера у меня уже 8 месяцев, хочу поделиться с вами моими впечатлениями. Неплохая камера за свои деньги, конечно есть решения в линейке SmartTrack получше, но что есть, то есть. Менять пока не планирую, устраивает на 99%. Разрешение отснятого видео 640x480 пикселей, подключается к порту USB 2.0. Смотрите полный видеообзор ниже.

Fleet Tracking
Fleet Tracking
Welcome to Phantom Fleet vehicle tracking the perfect solution for your mobile fleet management, we provide standard packages and bespoke services to enable you to save money and monitor your fleet or individual vehicles.
Our software has been developed and in use since 2002, It lets you know instantly where your work force are, allowing you to monitor vehicle and employee non-compliant behaviour, including excessive speeding, late starts, early finishes, company time abuse and unauthorised vehicle use.
By allowing you to reduce unnecessary vehicle wear and tear and false overtime claims it will help improve overall control of your company's vehicles. It will also ensure improved productivity and increased profits across the business.
With our own development team we can help you get the most out of our system and your fleet.
The Insight GPS vehicle tracking and management solution offers many benefits for any size or type of organisation, including:
Reduced costs - optimised routes reduce fuel costs and driver monitoring improves workforce productivity while reducing labour and management costs
Greener vehicles that last longer -- encouraging efficient driving reduces your carbon footprint while helping to extend the life of the vehicle through reduced wear and tear
Improved customer service - quicker response to customer requirements by being able to dispatch the nearest vehicle every time
Faster stolen vehicle recovery -- instant alert when vehicle is stolen coupled with real-time tracking allows recovery more quickly, reducing time off-the-road
Discounted insurance premiums -- helps pay for solution more quickly The Insight GPS vehicle tracking system is Web-based, making it easy to access from virtually anywhere via any Web-enabled device -- PC, laptop, iPad and iPhone.Information regarding SmarTrack Caravan tracking devices, for further information please visit or call 0800 279 6401. Davan are Caravan and Motorhome Dealers in the UK and are suppliers and installers of the Phantom Tracker. The Phantom Proactive works in conjunction with your existing alarm system or with the aid of a high tech, low power motion sensor. If your vehicle is moved or broken into the alarm or motion sensor kicks into action and triggers the Phantom Proactive.
Call Us Today 01934 510606 or visit our 24 hour online shop Caravan Motorhome GPS Tracking Systems by Phantom Ltd

GPS tracking systems
A tracking device is the only product that can give the peace of mind that if a vehicle is stolen it will be recovered and within an average time of 70 minutes. In most cases this means that the thieves won't have damaged or used the vehicle and it will be returned in the condition you left it in.
Phantom has extensive experience in supplying and fitting tracker systems. We already protect over £500,000,000 worth of assets with more than 18,000 customers and have been personally responsible in the recovery in excess of £10,000,000 worth of vehicles. We offer 2 types of tracking system:
• Passive -- this type of unit is dependent on the owner informing our control centre that the vehicle has been stolen. We can then communicate with the device to find out its exact location and will liaise with the police and owners to ensure the vehicle's safe return.
• Proactive -- a proactive tracker unit will automatically alert our control centre that a theft is in progress by continually monitoring the motion of the vehicle or if the power is cut. The location of the vehicle can then be tracked in conjunction with the police and owner.
The tracker is installed in a covert and hard-to-find location in your vehicle so there is nothing to alert a thief that a tracking unit has been fitted. Once installed and activated, we can pinpoint the location of a vehicle, accurate to around 8 feet, and if a proactive version has been installed this will be linked to our 24 hour control centre. Here, we continually monitor the status of installed systems which enables us to detect a theft in process and stay one step ahead of the criminal.
Всего просмотров: 4304
Ключевые слова: SmartTrack Phantom, веб-камера с матрицей 0.3 МП, отзывы, реальная веб камера, настройка камеры, инструкция, цена, обзор, купить, USB 2.0
Оценка SmartTrack Phantom на TestCamera.ru: 2 из 5 на основании 72 голосов.

Что спрашивают чаще всего после покупки

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  • Как подключить веб-камеру к компьютеру? Её не видно в диспетчере устройств. Подключаю к USB 2.0, но камера не работает. Что делать?
  • Всё заработало, но изображение не сфокусировано, где крутить фокусировку?
  • Нету видео и звука в skype, у меня Phantom, мучаюсь второй день. Помогите!
  • Куплю webcam SmartTrack Phantom новую или бу, можно без коробки, главное рабочую!
  • Есть ли втроенный микрофон в Смарттрек Phantom?
  • Хочу купить эту камеру и настроить передачу видео в реальном времени. За окном пляж с регулярными вечеринками. Брать её или поискать что-то получше?

Видео с веб-камеры SmartTrack Phantom

Другие модели от SmartTrack

SmartTrack Action
SmartTrack Autofocus
SmartTrack Clear View
SmartTrack Droid
SmartTrack Ez-Look
SmartTrack Guidance
SmartTrack Lancer
SmartTrack Spy
SmartTrack Turret

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  • драйверы веб камеры phantom

TestCamera.ru Веб-камеры SmartTrack SmartTrack Phantom